Thomas Faragher - (We Dance) So Close To The Fire - lyrics

Thomas Faragher - (We Dance) So Close To The Fire - Lyrics, Song Lyrics

(We Dance) So close to fire
It's a world of danger
Where lovers often become strangers
In a hungry jungle
It's tough keeping out of trouble
(Somehow we seem to make it through)

Oh, yeah
We dance so close to the fire
Never a net under the wire
Step by step, higher & higher
So close to the fire

It's an ancient story
It's a classic bound for glory
And we keep playing lovers
Knowing the show will run for ever
(Two shooting stars above the flame)

Oh, yeah
We dance so close to the fire
Never a net under the wire
Step by step, higher & higher

We dance so close to the fire
Never regret the fate of the flyer
Step by step

Dancin' so close
To the fire
Dancin' so close
To the fire

Ooooh, yeah
We dance so close to the fire
Never a net under the wire
Step by step, higher & higher

We dance so close to the fire
Never regret the fate of the flyer
Step by step

Dancin' so close
To the fire
Dancin' so close
To the fire

So close
So close
To the fire

Dance so close to the fire

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