Galliano - Golden Flower - lyrics

Galliano - Golden Flower - Lyrics, Song Lyrics

Money striving to tear us
Trying to turn we into me
Black and blue form the struggle
Yet still my people no free

People wandering homeless
Children can't find no bed
Still despite all this madness
There is a space in my head

Birds are flying high within the castle tower
Chattering for the secret of the golden flower

Birds are flying high within the castle tower
Chattering for the secret of the golden flower

Pirates ruling the nation
Scoundrels thieving the sea
See and blind hear and deaf
Ignoring your mother's plea
People laughing at murder
Children coughing up lead
Still despite all this madness
There is a space in my head

Birds are flying high within the castle tower
Chattering for the secret of the golden flower

Though the road may be rocky
And the way selfdom sweet
Let the sound of this music
Help keep the wight off your feet
People duing from hunger
Children crying for bread
Still despite all this madness
There is a space in my head

Birds are flying high within the castle tower
Chattering for the secret of the golden flower

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