Rudy Mancuso - Lento - lyrics

Rudy Mancuso - Lento - lyrics

I really need to get out of head

But I just keep replaying what she said

I don’t like the pressure

I’m just gonna stay in bed

The wheels gotta turn that’s what they say 

I’m laying here alone and that’s okay

I’m just below the moonlight

Floating over Monterrey

Sometimes I get so lazy 

Sometimes I go so slow 

Sometimes I act so crazy

Sometimes I feel so low

Sometimes I get so lazy 

Sometimes I go so slow 

Sometimes I act so crazy

Sometimes I feel so low

I’m feeling so lento lento lento

Lento lento lento

They say you’re number one, gotta run gotta run 

But I’m just having fun, having fun, having fun 

You tell a better story

When time’s moving slowly

If there’s something I’ll never do 

Then it’s rushing to be with you

Don’t think it’s a crime 

I’m taking my time

And there’s nothing to do 


Sometimes I get so lazy

Sometimes I go so slow 

Sometimes I act so crazy 

Sometimes I feel so low 

I’m feeling so lento lento lento 

Lento lento lento

I’m feeling so lento lento lento 

Lento lento lento

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