Mary Chapin Carpenter - Willie Short - lyrics

Mary Chapin Carpenter - Willie Short - Lyrics

{Verse 1}
The sun beats down on the freeway
Breeze barely crawls through the screen
And all I can see are the spaces
Left here by what might have been

{Verse 2}
You may not see me in Houston
If I'm who you come looking for
I'm not going to work in the morning
I ain't washing dishes no more

{Verse 3}
I never have claimed to be perfect
I haven't been so bad
And I can't count the days I'll be leaving
But I'm glad for the ones I've had

{Verse 4}
No one can take this heart from me
No one can scatter my soul
But it's hard, mister, dying by inches
From something I cannot control

{Verse 5}
So Lord, let me run in your meadows
Lord, let me sleep in your arms
And protect me from all of these people
Who think I am doing them harm

{Verse 6}
The living may claim we are different
But dying makes us all the same
So while you are here, don't forget me
From time to time, mention my name

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