Lauren Monroe - Run with Wolves - lyrics

Lauren Monroe - Run with Wolves - Lyrics

Come look into your heart now
Girls know love from afar
Fear flows from your open arms
So far you’ve carried it so far

We can run with wolves
We can run with wolves
We can feel the night
We can raise this fire

Never could say that I wished for war
Why do you come what you asking for
Where do you go when the lights go out
When I keep taking this love vow

We can run with wolves
We can stay all night
And if we feel the war
We can be the light

Yeah the drums about to call from the underground
To be free from the war hear the sound

It was you that camе to release thе flame
Over the walls where my heart would stay
Carry the way to an open mind
The look in your eyes give me wings to fly

We can run with wolves
We can stay all night
And if we feel the war we can be the light
We can run with wolves
We can be the light
And when we look away we disappear from sight

Yeah this is the night of the calling drum I will wake
Yeah this is the night I will feel the most
I wake

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