Typo Joe MMXXII - Grilled Cheese Obama Sandwich - lyrics

Typo Joe MMXXII - Grilled Cheese Obama Sandwich - Lyrics

Mmmm, oh no, i don't understand this
Grilled cheese obama sandwich
My heart can't take this damage
If i eat this cheese sandwich

Mmmm, oh no, i don't understand this
Grilled cheese obama sandwich
My arteries won't stand it
I'll feel like shit, won't ham it
Mmmm, oh no, i don't understand it

And it's making it hard to eat
And it's making it hard to eat
And it's making it hard to eat

"no, really, i can't eat this grilled cheese obama sandwich or i'm gonna have a heart attack! i'm tryna control my cravings and calorie intake; you know what this shit does to me!"

Mmmm, oh no, i don't understand this
Grilled cheese obama sandwich
My calories won't stand this
My stomach will reject it

Mmmm, oh no, i don't understand this
Grilled cheese obama sandwich
My cravings, i can't stand it;
I need to eat this sandwich

Mmmm, oh no, i don't understand this
Grilled cheese obama sandwich
My heart won't take this damagе
If i eat this cheese sandwich
Mmmm, oh no, i don't understand this...

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