RealRR - America Man - lyrics

RealRR - America Man - Lyrics

America man
You light up my heart like a bad filet
America man
Nobody cares about what you have to say
America man
But we’re alone together
So why don’t we repair
America man
Don’t believe everything on the news
Or your friends or the government
'Cause insincerity is a parody of a virtual life
America man please don’t do this
America man we can make a truce
America man i’m asking you
Who cares about the Atlanta Falcons?
America man i know
You would never do this oh
Just to get somebody to accept you
America man please don’t go away, away, away, away, away
America man i want to hear what you say
America man the world won’t end in your lifetime
I know you shoot some ducks, vote for Biden and drink your prime
I know you think i’m evil but you can’t think on the other side

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