K Whittz - South Of The Whittz - lyrics

 K Whittz - South Of The Whittz - Lyrics, song lyrics

Pirates in a bi**tch you already

Konw it's cracking it was m19

No for the bridge stop the whip hold me

You know it's crackers

I thoyght its was ong this thing I just

Dont't turn spaghetti don't just whack my 

Nose I'm trying to see Martin on telly

My young way up but it's still coming

Through the water

Sepeed hey this one here I'm a cooler

Becky cheers droping

Pirates in a bi**tch you already

Konw it's cracking it was m19

No for the bridge stop the whip hold me

You know it's crackers

I thoyght its was ong this thing I just

Dont't turn spaghetti don't just whack my 

Nose I'm trying to see Martin on telly

My young way up but it's still coming

Through the water

Sepeed hey this one here I'm a cooler

Becky cheers droping

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