JaeyBxrd - Seasons - lyrics

JaeyBxrd - Seasons - Lyrics

Got a phone call last week
You won't believe who dialing ring up on my phone
Might double think but um, uh yeah
Really you be switching like the seasons
Gotta double check on your intent so what's the reason
Have you lost your mind
'Cause i don't need this
Please don't waste my time
Look me in my eyes

Why do I
Seek out the worst of fits for me
When I know behind the scenes
She a hoe for life
But a part of me believes I can change what seems to be
The definition of insanity is doing all the same shit on repeat
Hoping it'll please me
And I'm not quite the man I plan to be
But I'm eventually gone have to be
Gotta do the best for me
But you got it
It's depressing
And i know can't forget you misled me
Anyway you'd address me
It was tempting
Four missed calls on my log
But I'm blessed to say that's all just a memory

Got a phone call last week
You won't believe who dialing ring up on my phone
Might double think but um, uh yeah
Really you be switching like the seasons
Gotta double check on your intent so what's the reason
Have you lost your mind
'Cause i don't need this
Please don't waste my time
Look me in my eyes

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