Hailstorm - Lala Went Home - lyrics

Hailstorm - Lala Went Home - Lyrics

Tear ductes refrain themself
And lala always got on, bright as snow, white clothes and she was fed up, she left her home
Escaping from her parents call
And so she took her white clothes
She went to the country of colors, again The colors wanted to help their friend
So they put themeself on Lala's clothes
Hope slips off my eyes that we can’t see
She stops for a while in the cradle of New Year's wind
Wind agеs on New Year's Eve
Hеr colors are passing by, bright as snow, i’m alone and she was fed up, she must go home
The scarecrows try to scare me out
Hope slips off my eyes that we can't see
She stops for a while in the cradle of New Year's wind
She riddle her head on the city welcome newspaper colors flow slow, we need them for these
Days of the caring new friends we are searching out
She knew we would want her beneath our reign of the eternal delight we are crafting out
What a deal!
We've already found you a place, if that's ok What a day!
Haven't you found a dyehouse in your brain?

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