Colin Zera - Pipe Dreamer - lyrics

Colin Zera - Pipe Dreamer - Lyrics

{Verse 1}
3:30 @ 17
Was a kaleidoscope of colors on the ceiling
When I should’ve been asleep
It hurt me just to dream
Through the bitter taste of paper
I was trying to break a cell inside of me

{Pre-Chorus 1}
The feelings would revolt
So I would push them way down
'Til I could taste a fall
I would chase it all
I would waste it all
Running away from a destiny
Closing the doors on family
Making a choice not to believe
I won't let them see

{Chorus 1}
I'm still a pipe dreamer and after all
I've got to wake up on my own

{Verse 2}
10:30 @ 19
Waking in a cabin with a faint recall of last night’s revelry
My baby lost her dream
Blue thе pop quiz we would pass
But would it last a quarter year’s nеw fling

{Pre-Chorus 2}
A fading alibi
So behind bars my mind melts
The summer waves goodbye
I’m too young to die
I’m too old to fly

Running away from a destiny
Closing the doors on family
Making a choice not to believe
I can't let them see

{Chorus 2}
I'm still a pipe dreamer and after all
I won't just wake up on my own

Please don't make me throw away my new song
I thought I just started to see where I belong
Four blue eyes will fall on me, could this be wrong?
Oh Lord, are you still listening? I’m not this strong

{Verse 3}
1:30 @ 23
Not hiding under sheets no more
But reaching for the California green
My baby needs a king
In and out of education
Our relation only through the screen

{Pre-Chorus 3}
A trio quit the war
So all my friends don't come round
A duo crawls the floor
I would wait for more
I would brace for more

Running away from a destiny
Closing the doors on family
Making a choice not to believe
I wish they would see

{Chorus 3}
I'm still a pipe dreamer and after all
I can’t just wake up on my own

Won’t someone take me off this throne
Why can’t I wake up on my own?

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