Blake Johnston - Week in My Pocket feat. Aaron Randolph - lyrics

Blake Johnston - Week in My Pocket feat. Aaron Randolph - Lyrics

I keep a week in my pocket
Almost all of the time
I don't know when I might use it
But I know that it's mine
I don't mean like vacation
Time travel either
I mean like in certain weeks
Straight off of the ether
I keep a week in my pocket
Almost all of the time
Almost all of the time
You should have seen it the first time
I dropped in a day
You would have thought
That the thunder
Had come out to play
They were storing up rations
Reinforcing the levy
But really my schedule
Was simply too heavy
I keep a week in my pocket
Almost all of thе time
Almost all of the time
I keep a week in my pockеt
Week in my pocket
Week in my pocket
I keep a week in my pocket
Week in my pocket
Week in my pocket
I keep a week in my pocket
Almost all of the time

Last night I saw lightning
And I swear it was teal
But I been told since I was little
Not to swear
So I instead I just squealed
You may not believe me
But at the end of my time
When my life flashes before my elderly eyes
I'll give you a ticket
To watch the playback reel

I keep a week in my pocket
Week in my pocket
Week in my pocket
I keep a week in my pocket
Week in my pocket
Week in my pocket
I keep a week in my pocket
Almost all of the time

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