Archers - Spreadin' Like Wildfire - lyrics

Archers - Spreadin' Like Wildfire - Lyrics

Hear the music, sing the song
Hear the word and pass it on
While the fire is still burnin' in your soul
He has given you the key
To set another prisoner free
And bring another lamb unto the fold

Spreadin' like wildfire, the love of Jesus
It's catchin' on, growin' stronger every day
Spreadin' like wildfire, He has freed us
And by His mighty ransom we are saved
There's a new wind rushin' down
From the mountain of the Lord
And it's time for righteous men to heed the call
Every spark becomes a flame
By the power of His name
And before His feet the golden idols fall

Spreadin' like wildfire, the love of Jesus
It's catchin' on, growin' stronger every day
Spreadin' like wildfire, He has freed us
And by His mighty ransom we are saved

Spreadin' like wildfire, the love of Jesus
It's catchin' on, growin' stronger every day
Spreadin' like wildfire, He has freed us
And by His mighty ransom we are saved


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