Anita Bryant - Great Somebody - lyrics

Anita Bryant - Great Somebody - Lyrics

{Verse 1}
You get up in the morning and you see the sun
High up in the air
You know there ain't a man who's tall enough
To hang it way up there

Only some great somebody
Could've hung the sun up there
Now, I didn't do it, and you didn't do it
Gotta be a Lord somewhere
(Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere)

{Verse 2}
You wonder why the flowers and the trees all bud
When you expect they should
You know there ain't a man who's smart enough
To pull a trick that good

Only some great somebody
Made the buds pop everywhere
Now, I didn't do it, and you didn't do it
Gotta be a Lord somewhere
(Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere)

{Verse 3}
Whoever made the smile on a baby's face
Sure is wonderful
You know there ain't a man with heart enough
To make that miracle

Only some great somebody
Could've made a thing so rare
Now, I didn't do it, and you didn't do it
Gotta be a Lord somewhere

Gotta be a Lord somewhere

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