Angry Johnny And The Killbillies - Dance of the Shufflers part Two - lyrics

Angry Johnny And The Killbillies - Dance of the Shufflers part Two - Lyrics

They freed the genie from his jug
And then they yanked that dirty rug
Right out from underneath us
And the whole world up and fell
Now they can't put him back together
Looks like the final jokes on them
How does it feel to be us
We'll continue our death

Looks like forever finally came
We lost our spot on the old food chain
There's no rest for the wicked
There's no rest for their graves
Now the Devil's army is coming
So I guеss you best be running
Try to live a littlе longer
You can die another day
We'll be dancing like Saint Vitus
While they're feasting on our bones
God washed His hands of this unholy land
And he left us on our own
There'll be no one left to guide us
No more truths to tell
When they break the seventh seal
And the rain came down from Hell

They wanted to control us
We fought the lie they sold us
But now they're on the menu too
'Cause we all taste the same
When you sold us down the river
Did you ever stop to figure
Once you open up the gates of Hell
They never close again

We'll be dancing like Saint Vitus
While they're feasting on our bones
God washed His hands of this unholy land
And he left us on our own
There'll be no one left to guide us
No more truths to tell
When they break the seventh seal
And the rain came down from Hell
As the flames of Hell grew hotter
They led us to the slaughter

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