Rihanna - American Oxygen - lyrics

Rihanna - American Oxygen - Song Lyrics

Breathe in, this feeling
American oxygen

I say, you see, this is the American Dream
Young girl, hustlinOn the other side of the ocean
She can be anything at all
America, America
I should, come see
Just close your eyes and breathe

Breathe out, breathe in
American oxygen
Every breath I breathe
Chasin' this American Dream
We sweat for a nickel and a dime
Turn it into an empire
Breathe in, this feeling
American, American oxygen
American oxygen
Breathe in, this feeling
American oxygen

Breathe in, this feeling
American oxygen

You say, you see, this is the American Dream
Young boy, hustlinTryna get the wheels in motion
But he can be anything at all
America, America
I say, can't see
Just close your eyes and breathe

Breathe out, breathe in

American oxygen
Every breath I breathe
Chasin' this American Dream
We sweat for a nickel and a dime
Turn it into an empire
Breathe in, this feeling
American, American oxygen
American oxygen

This is the new America
We are the new America

This is the new America
We are the new America

This is the new America
We are the new America

Breathe out, breathe in
American oxygen
Every breath I breathe
Chasin' this American Dream
We sweat for a nickel and a dime
Turn it into an empire
Breathe in, this feeling
American, American oxygen
American oxygen

This is the new America
We are the new America
This is the new America
We are the new America
This is the new America
We are the new America

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