Austrian Death Machine - Crom - lyrics

Austrian Death Machine - Crom - Song Lyrics

This is my quest to solve the riddle of steel
And to destroy those who killed my people
Listen to me now

I have never prayed to you before
I have no tongue for it
No one, not even you, will remember
If we were good men or bad.

Why we fought
Or why we died
All that matters is that two stood against many
That's what's important!
The valor pleases you

Grant me one request
Grant me revenge!

Grant me one request
Grant me revenge!

And if you do not listen
Then to hell with you!

You killed my mother! You killed my father!
You killed my people!
You took my father's sword!

This is the one thing I ask
The valor pleases you

Grant me one request
Grant me revenge!

Grant me one request
Grant me revenge!

Okay kids, now listen here
The moral of the story is
That I am Arnold and you're all puny mortals
That stands no chance against me

I'll tell you what's best in life
To crush your enemies
To see them driven before you
And to hear the lamentations of the girly men

I know the secret of steel
Trust only your sword

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